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To Be, To Change, To Have Direction,
as one intercommunication, within this Magic Sea
The 4 phase process of becoming requires four basic conditions plus one observer.
Particles, atoms, stars, molecules, bacteria, cells, concepts are focal points for awareness.
This is the property of To Be.
We observe beings as individual objects or "things".
We measure their position in space with 3 Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). We divide these coordinates into appropriate units (light years, kilometers, meters, centimeters, etc.) depending on the relative size of the object.
Even concepts are referred to in terms of size although usually not in terms of metric units.
Beings move in a direction relative to other beings. Directionality is the change in change.
We observe this as motion in a direction, spin, polarity.
We measure directionality as relationships relative to other objects and define these relative changing positions as fitness, relationships, relevancy, meaning.
Beings exchange information with each other.
We observe these exchanges as collisions, lasting relationships, patterns of behavior between beings.
We describe intercommunications by cognition and systems theory or by other logic systems.
Intercommunications require an observer; a feedback mechanism or reference to determine if the intercommunications have the expected result.
There are no priorities to these aspects of reality; none come before or after or higher or lower than any of the others.
They are all facets of one dynamic flow creating itself with a 4 phase process of becoming.
We require words to describe this singularity and invented measurements as a grid to overlay on our perceptions, to describe and help us consider, consciously, the world around us.
We can summarize the measurements, the perceived events, and the basic facets of becoming like this:
appear as we learn To Be, To Change, To Have
Direction is one interaction within This Magic
And by appear, I mean they evolve from one form to another, come within perception range, and are manifested from one interval to the next.
I appear, evolving from instant to instant, derived from an unbroken growing of awareness over the past 3.6 billion years, manifested as atoms enter my being to form my molecular structure and the bacteria whose dance becomes my cells whose communications become me in the singular now of existence.
Join Bill Travis and the crew of the Moira in American Samoa for more.
Go over a chart of the Thread of Awareness to see how To Be, To Change, To Have Direction fits into the overall process.
Follow the thread of awaress to the next understanding.